Tuesday 20 May 2014


This term we have been learning all about birds and flight. For writing we had to imagine that we were a bird and then describe the experience.


A hot sunny day and I am alert. There are people and birds are nearby my nest. I am worried someone will steal my eggs. 

Here comes a man on a bike. He has a video camera on his head and he’s cycling towards my tree. I will defend my eggs! I plan to attack the man. My attack will be easy, my squawk will scare the man and my sharp beak and pointy claws will break his video camera.

Here I go, leaping off the branch to attack. I fly fast with the wind whooshing through my wings. I have nearly caught up to him. I squawk loudly to scare him as I peck at his helmet and scratch his video camera. The scratching is ruining his video camera. Scared the man quickly cycled away. leaving me and my eggs alone and safe.

By Luca

I sit here searching for my prey. I suddenly spot something in the distance. Slowly I start to move forward ready to make my move. Swoop I set off to catch my prey. I can feel the wind pounding against my wings. My prey makes no sudden movement. Clunk I snatch the crow with my strong claws. I look down at the crow as blood drips on to the cold damp snow. Finally at home I release my prey and feast on it.

By Jordyn

The Great Grey Owl
There I stood as still as can be on the top of the freezing stiff snow. Waiting for my prey. As soon as I hear crunching or splashing I follow the signal. Spotting my prey I swoop down. Crashing into the stiff snow catching my prey in my sharp claws. Slowly I fly away to enjoy my feast.

By Kiri

The King Fisher
Perched on my mossy damp branch scanning the deep blue river. The black rocks made it look like a water fall. A cockabilly slowly passed the branch. A dirt coloured cockabilly. I kept watching on. My body ready to splash into the shallow water. I was hungry. Slowly I prepared myself to dive in. whooph I hit the shiny spring water. Grasping my dinner with my long beak.

By Lochy

The Bald Eagle
I circled the rippling aqua water in the darkening sky, balancing on the howling wind. Scanning the surface of the splashing waves, I glided down for a better look. Something flashed silver, once, twice. Imagining a juicy, fat salmon I plummeted down, stretching out my talons preparing for contact with the lake. Spraying water I encircled the fish with my claws and, with difficulty, flew away with water dripping, to have my dinner.

By Amalya


Gundula said...

Hello Room 13,

Wow, I am very impressed with your writing skills. Lovely stories about the different birds. Keep up the good work
Gundula (Johannes's Mum)

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